What’s Next? The Landscape Design and Drafting Process

Collecting Your Data for Landscape Design Accuracy
In order for a LandscapeArchitectural.com designer to design your property remotely, we rely on you to take and submit photos and/or short video clips of your house and property so that we can accurately design your space. Additionally, we also encourage you to send any informational documents you possess regarding your property; this includes documents such as a Plat of Survey, Site Plan, Construction Plans, Elevations, or previous Landscape Plans. If you do not have any of these items, do not stress, we are also able to use GIS Mapping and Satellite Imagery to fill in any missing details.

How To Take Photos Of Your Existing Landscape
When we request photos and videos from our clients, we understand not everyone is a professional photographer. For this step in the design process, we simply ask for a few photos from each side of the house and of the property. To clarify, these photos can be taken with your phone. Generally, four photos of each side of the house (Front, Sides, and Back) are sufficient. A good property photo submission is wide enough to include the roof in your shots as well. The more photos you can send the better we will be able to design your space. We won’t be shy to reach out to let you know if we need additional photos!

Submit Your Property Photos To Us
In the event that you have an abundance of photos or photos or videos you would like to send us, we also have implemented a cloud-based file-sharing system that is set up to allow you to upload and download these files easily and securely, directly to your designer. As a client, we will create a “shared folder” upon purchase of a design package and a link will be emailed to you so you can access this secured folder and upload your documents. You can also access this “shared folder” with the Client Login Button on our homepage after you create your account.
We’ll Get Started On Your Landscape Design
After all photos and data have been collected, your designer will get to work for you! We will update you with a design preview in order to make any final refinements, and then, shortly after, we will present you with the final landscape design package via email or to your “shared folder”. If you want to make one more round of revisions after seeing the final product, we have included this in our package to you at no additional cost.

Completion Of Your Online Landscape Design
Our aim is to make the process a fun, easy, and exciting way to present you with a thoughtful and beautiful landscape design, that you can implement on your own, or we can assist in helping you find the right contractor to install it. We know without a doubt that you will be absolutely delighted with the design we present to you and with our online landscape design process. We look forward to working with you!